When This Baby Was Born, All The Adult Elephants Did Something Incredible

2014년 6월 22일

2015-06-22 16;34;05

Via : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FowqjCrZMY

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya welcomed a new baby girl from a previously orphaned elephant, Emily. The second-time mom spent most of the latter half of 2014 wandering the nearby wild grounds and, upon her return, gave birth to another daughter: Emma.

The video shows how the rest of the herd joined Emily in protecting and guiding the new member of their family by covering up her scent with dust and steadying the slick ground for her first steps. Predators roaming the area would have been able to smell the afterbirth and possibly attack the defenseless little girl, but they acted fast to keep her safe.


Warning: the birth takes place for the first 40 seconds of the video.

It’s clear that this cutie is in good hands — er, trunks! You can find more information on the incredible conservation efforts (and more adorable photos and videos) over on the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust website.


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